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Other Electronics Projects

Obstacle Avoiding Car

Detection of Breast Abnormalities by Image Segmentation

NiNJA: A burglar detector

Obstacle Avoiding Car

The aim was to design a vehicle that avoids obstacles and deviates its path when it encounters an obstacle. 
It has been designed using an Arduino Uno as the processor, a motor driver, servo motor, gear motors and an ultrasonic sensor.

Obstacle avoiding cart

Self driving cars will be an essential element in the way we commute in the coming years. This is the technology that we have attempted to showcase in our  project. 
A vehicle that avoids obstacles could also be very useful in the military or for designing an automatic home cleaning system.

The car detects and avoids obstacles with the help of an ultrasonic sensor. As the name indicates, ultrasonic sensors measure distance by using ultrasonic waves. The sensor head emits an ultrasonic wave and receives the wave reflected back from the target. Ultrasonic sensors measure the distance to the target by measuring the time between emission and reception. 
The sensor calculates the distance using the following formula
Distance L = ½ x T x C
where, L is the distance, T is the time between emission and reception and C is the sonic speed

Detection of Breast Abnormalities by Image Segmentation

An image processing project , implemented on MATLAB that takes mammogram images as inputs to detect the presence of abnormalities in the breast tissue by employing image segmentation techniques.

breast cancer

Breast cancer is one of the most frequently diagnosed diseases among women. Early detection of breast cancer is very low using a clinical breast examination This is because abnormalities cannot be felt in all areas using traditional techniques, this can however be done using a mammogram or with an ultrasound. 

Mammography is currently the best method for detecting breast cancer at its early stage. The problem with mammography images are they are complex. Thus, image processing and features extraction techniques are used to assist radiologists detect tumours. Features extracted from suspicious regions in mammography images can help doctors to discover the existence of the tumour in real time thus speeding up the treatment process.

Primary Algorithms:​

  • Thresholding:  An image processing method that creates a bitonal (aka binary) image based on setting a threshold value on the pixel intensity of the original image.

  • k-means clustering: K-Means algorithm is an iterative algorithm that tries to partition the dataset into K pre-defined distinct non-overlapping subgroups (clusters) where each data point belongs to only one group.


NiNJA: A Burglar detector

A burglar detector that notifies the user of activity and provides the function to immediately call the police. 
It has been implemented using an Arduino Uno and an ultrasonic sensor in congruence with an Android app. 
NiNJA also doubles up into a smart emergency light that can be activated using the Android app or a local switch.

Safe neighbourhoods have become an urban myth in today’s society. We hear of thefts and break-ins in our localities and from our kin more often than we hope to. 
CCTV cameras can be installed but it isn’t practical to watch it all day. We need to know when someone breaks in immediately and we need to be able to alert the police just as quickly.

A motion sensor will detect the intruder’s movements as soon as he or she walks or otherwise moves within the area protected by the detector.   The sensor determines the distance to a target by measuring time lapses between the sending and receiving of the ultrasonic pulse. Trig (Trigger) pin is used to trigger the ultrasonic sound pulses. Echo pin produces a pulse when the reflected signal is received.

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